Founded in 1935
New York, NY
Headquartered in New York, NY
6.8 M
Serves 6.8 million households
80,000 employees
Pluralsight has been a great fit for our upskilling challenges at Morgan Stanley. With on-demand learning, all of our engineers and technologists can access the information on their schedule as they need it.”
Trevor Brosnan
Managing Director / Distinguished Engineer
When I hear about Pluralsight, what comes to mind is customization of content, timely ability to get content that we need, and strong analytics, in addition to a partnership that we really appreciate.
Christina Dacauaziliqua
Global Technology Training and Talent Development Lead, Executive Director
Our technologists appreciate the high-quality courses taught by vetted professionals. They also love gamification and collecting the badges. The user interface is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and find what they’re looking for.
Natalia Borisova
E-Learning & Development Project Manager